Tina’s Testimony

I thought about my college years during my car ride to Illinois. I asked myself, “What kind of people will I meet? How will I change after four years?” The feeling of uncertainty ran through my mind as I recalled a scene from the recent Olympics. A young body-builder was attempting to lift the 185-pound weights. His face blushed with pain and his shoulders tightened as he tried to raise the bar over his head. He failed.

The Lord touched me with this image. I was shocked. Am I not like this over-achieving athlete? For 18 years, I’ve gone about my life depending on my own knowledge and experience, forgetting there’s a Being far greater than my understanding. Always there. Always available. My quixotic goals, people’s and society’s expectations… I’ve tried to bear the world on my own two shoulders, when I could have just turned to the Lord and asked Him to be my guide.

As I’m starting my freshman year at Northwestern, I give to the Lord everything that I do, and I pray that He would direct me to the right path in a human as well as a spiritual sense. I believe God knows best.